This is it. The last email from Sister Latham. I definitely have mixed emotions about everything, but I can't express how EXCITED I am to see you all next week! Because I am visiting my area right now I don't have a lot of time, but I will send you a quick update about my week!
We also got to be with President and Sister Revillo on their last day as our mission parents. They took all the exiting missionaries out to lunch and then we all went bowling! So fun! The best part though was the interview that I had with President. It was such a spiritual experience as we talked about my mission and talked about all the things that I have learned. He then gave me advice on my future and he told me that my main purpose after my mission is to establish the church and to start my own will talk about that when I get home hahaha He said to be excited though and study really well and the Lord has great things that He has prepared for me. So with that being said, I AM EXCITED :)
AMAZING NEWS! 4 of our investigators are ready to get baptized this upcoming Saturday! What a great way to end the mission :)) Brother Alberts wife, kids, and son in law will all be baptized! We are still waiting for the approval for him to be baptized, but as for now he wants his family to be baptized so we are excited fort that! We have really seen miracles with this family, one of them being that Richard and Cherry got married on Tuesday and because of that, they can now be baptized! I did her hair and makeup and they were just the cutest things! Sister Bairulla and I have really worked hard to help them to get married and prepared for their baptism and look...IT WORKED :) I attached some pictures from the wedding :)
We also had exchanges in beautiful Morong this week, it is in the province, so so pretty! I will attach some pictures as well!
Tonight TayTay is having a ward FHE/farewell for me and I am so excited to see everyone! I've been able to visit a few people this morning, but most of them I will see later! Tomorrow we will meet out new Mission President and his family at zone conference! Then this Friday we have Missionary Leadership Council, then our baptisms on Saturday and between all of this, we have so many people to visit and I still need to pack! So many things to do with such little time!
Well family, I love you. I am so excited to see you all. I give thanks to God every day that He sent me here. My life has been changed forever. I know this church is true, I know that Jesus Christ is the leader of this church and He is also my best friend. I've never felt so close to Him in my life. As Sister Revillo said, it will be hard to leave such a spiritual and holy place in the mission. I know that I am about to experience a new adjustment, but the Lord will lead me. See you all next Wednesday at the airport, I'm so excited to see you all again!